Tuesday 23 October 2012

Week 3 Homework Due: 26th October

Hello Again,

We are getting back into the swing of the term, It is amazing that 2 and a half weeks have already gone.

This week for Homework, students are asked to label a map of Australia. They should label the states and cities.
Spelling words will be tested on Friday. (Please note that some students have changed groups)

In mathematics we are looking at Parallel  and Perpendicular lines. We also are introducing angles- looking at larger and smaller angles and right angles. If you could see any at home or on the way to school it would be great to take advantage of that learning opportunity.

We are looking forward to our excursion to Melbourne next week, where we will be sure to learn about the great city we live in. We would love a Parent/ Grandparent to come in to our class and talk about Melbourne as they remember it. Please send a note with your children if you are interested.

In class we often use the iPads. It would be wonderful if you have a spare set of headphones at home that  could be brought to class, as this would create less interruptions to other students.

Miss Cameron

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