Thursday 8 November 2012

Homework Due- Friday 16th November

This week's homework includes spelling words and completing a map of Melbourne-
 Students are able to use a map or the Internet to help them label the streets and buildings of Melbourne. The map can be printed out and written on, or students can use the 'Paint' program to label the map.

This week students are asked to learn their 7 times tables.

In class we have been learning Similes and Metaphors, Here is a list of some that our students came up with:
  • As blue as the sky
  • as dumb as a zombie
  • as fluffy as sheep
  • as loud as a didgeridoo
  • as cold as ice
  • as hot as lava
  • as thin as air
  • as ferocious as a lion
  • as round as an orange
  • as fast as a rocket
  • as bright as the sun
  • as pink as cotton candy
  • as tough as a bull
  • as slow as a turtle
  • as fierce as war
  • as strong as steel
  • as smelly as a skunk
  • as heavy gold
  • as smart as a teacher
  • as shiny as metal
  • as green as grass.
  • I am so hungry i can eat a horse
  • you're on fire
  • my cat is a tiger
  • I need to recharge my batteries
  • I'm on a roll
  • I am heart-broken.

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