Monday 12 November 2012

Recount of our Excursion by one of our students:

Grade 3 IMAX/Museum Excursion

When I arrived at Lynbrook station I saw everyone lined up behind their teachers. Went to my teacher to get my name ticked off and at exactly 8.48 the train arrived. We all got on but it took ages and I mean ages to get to Parliament station but we finally got there. We walked to the IMAX Theatre we watched this movie called Australia. It was a good movie. We learned lots of things we didn’t know. After that we went to the Melbourne Museum. It was really fun there. We learned lots of stuff at the Melbourne Museum like we did at IMAX. My group’s leader was the best because she showed us the cool stuff first. My most favourite thing was the dinosaur walk because I learned how long dinosaurs lived for. I think dinosaurs are the best prehistoric creature. After that we had to stop the fun and go home. We walked to parliament station. We rode the train to Lynbrook station. My parents came and I went home.JJ

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