Tuesday 9 October 2012

Parent Helpers - Living Books


Dear Parents/Carers of students in Grade 3,


It is hard to believe we are now into Term 4. Where has the year gone?


The children have worked extremely well throughout the year and should be congratulated on their efforts and achievements. Term 4 is shaping up to be an exciting term full of outstanding educational experiences and learning opportunities.


Our Investigations inquiries will continue to focus on the study of Melbourne. The children will be exploring the history of Melbourne, significant people who have contributed to its development, growth and culture and the personal experiences that the children themselves and members of their families have had in Melbourne.


To support this unit, it would be appreciated if all children could bring any photos they have of themselves and their families taken in and around Melbourne. These could include, for example, photos taken at the Royal Melbourne Show, sporting venues, concerts, The Zoo, gardens, restaurants, galleries and museums and shopping precincts. For safekeeping, we will photocopy and return the children’s photos as quickly as possible.


Aware that not everyone has always lived in our wonderful city of Melbourne or its suburbs, we would welcome any family members (parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles etc.) who would be willing to come into our grade and talk about their first experiences of Melbourne. We are sure that many people will have memories and stories to share that will enhance the children’s understanding of Melbourne as a culturally diverse and vibrant city. At this stage we have set aside Week 5 (5th – 9th November) for these ‘Living Stories’ presentations and we would be thrilled to hear from anyone who would be willing to contribute. You can either contact us directly by popping into the classroom before or after school, writing a note in your child’s diary, or via the school’s telephone number - 8787 – 5390


We look forward to working with your wonderful children in Term 4 and thank you for your ongoing support.


Kind regards,

Grade 3 teachers


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