Tuesday 9 October 2012

Term 4

Welcome back to Term 4!

I hope everyone had a wonderful relaxing holiday and is ready for the term ahead. I visited Korea over the break and was very impressed with the culture, foods, and customs and had a wonderful experience. It was fun trying to communicate with someone that does not speak the same language as me. Understanding the little things that change when you visit a country was also interesting, such as standing on the left of a path, looking at cars drive on the other side of the road, and eating with chop sticks.

It is great to be back and I am looking forward to a great term. This term we are learning about our city “Melbourne” which links into our city camp and our excursion to IMAX and the Melbourne Museum. We are looking for a parent helper from each classroom. A note has been handed out about this. (Parent helpers must have a current working with Children’s check.)

Homework will be spelling words and times tables revision. With occasional worksheets handed out. Please encourage students to access Studyladder and Mathletics as often as possible as this will assist their classroom learning.

This week’s spelling words are linked to our topic and would be valuable to learn for the classroom.

In mathematics for week 1 and 2 we will be focusing on measuring volume and capacity. Students have been encouraged to look around the house for items that are labelled with millilitres (mL) and Litres (L).

As always if there are any questions please do not hesitate.


Miss Cameron

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