Monday 20 August 2012

Homework Week 6- Due Friday 24th August

Well done everyone for getting their camp payments in on time :)
It is only a few weeks away and we are getting excited. Please remember to bring your medical forms back (even if you don't take medication we need to know the best way to contact mum and dad/ carer).

This week in class we are looking at Plurals (words that add-s -es or -ies when talking about more than one). For example 'I have three books' or 'I saw three foxes' or 'There were many babies at the party'. Can you think of some more?

We are editing stories we have written in class and getting ready to publish them, so please remember your USB so we can save them.

In Maths this week we are looking at Mass- using grams and kilograms.

A quick reminder also that there is a whole school assembly this Friday.

Let's try to learn our 4 times tables this week.

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