Thursday 2 August 2012

Homework Week 4- Due Friday 10th of August

Hello All,

We are having some teething issues with our new blog, though I am confident that these will diminish as we continue to learn. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
It is great to see many of you have accessed the blog to see your spelling words, you can practice these by writing them on a whiteboard, repeating them to your parents or writing them on a piece of paper. Someone in our class even emailed me their spelling words via super clubs plus. The choice is yours. J

In the “Olympic Games Matrix” (below) it is expected that students complete one of these each week.  I encourage students to access super clubs to email me their answers (my user name is RCameron2) or bring their homework in on a USB.
In class we will be revising the 6 times tables. So let's get ready for a times table challenge.
I wonder if we will win anymore GOLD medals at these games?

C’mon Aussies!

Miss Cameron

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