Thursday 30 August 2012

Camp week- Homework Due 12th September

Hello all,

Camp is just days away and we are all looking forward to it!
This week our spelling words will be about camp. A spelling test will take place when we come back from camp (Tuesday 11th or Wednesday the 12th of September) So try to learn these before then.

A list of items that students need to bring to camp has been sent home, if there are any questions feel free to ask. The students have to meet us at Lynbrook Train station at 8.30am and report to myself with their spending money ($10 in a marked envelope).
A reminder that cameras are allowed on camp, though they are the full responsibility of the children. It looks to be a great time and I am really looking forward to it.

For the students that are not attending there will be an alternative program held at school (normal school hours).


Miss Cameron.

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Author Visit

Tomorrow we are really lucky to have an author come to our school, her name is Kylie Dunstan. Please have a look at her website and maybe think of a few questions you might be able to ask!

Click on her name above to find out more.
Miss Cameron

Thursday 23 August 2012

Homework Due Friday 31st of August

This week I have received many amazing pieces of homework, the Olympic torch and stadium showed the effort some of the students are going to.
Keep up the good work!
We are also continuing to design our own Olympics in class, we have some very creative characters in 3C.

In literacy we will be looking at Prefixes (added to the beginning) and suffixes (added to the end) of words that add meaning. For example in the word Helpful the suffix 'ful' means full of,
so helpful = help + ful ( means full of help).

Can you think of any more? You could send them to me via SuperClubsPlus (my user name is RCameron2)

In Maths we will look at Mapping (using words such as North, South, East, West, Left and Right, as well as using grids on maps).

We will continue to look at the four times table in class and will try to squeeze in more times table challenges as often as possible.

It is just over 10 days away from our first school camp, notices have been sent home about what to bring. Please be advised that many students have asthma so deodorant that is spray on is discouraged, roll on would be much better, if needed.

Once again if there are any questions please let me know.

Miss Cameron
(I have learnt how to put photos on, have a look at our shapes that we made in class this term.)

Monday 20 August 2012

Homework Week 6- Due Friday 24th August

Well done everyone for getting their camp payments in on time :)
It is only a few weeks away and we are getting excited. Please remember to bring your medical forms back (even if you don't take medication we need to know the best way to contact mum and dad/ carer).

This week in class we are looking at Plurals (words that add-s -es or -ies when talking about more than one). For example 'I have three books' or 'I saw three foxes' or 'There were many babies at the party'. Can you think of some more?

We are editing stories we have written in class and getting ready to publish them, so please remember your USB so we can save them.

In Maths this week we are looking at Mass- using grams and kilograms.

A quick reminder also that there is a whole school assembly this Friday.

Let's try to learn our 4 times tables this week.

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Camp Payment and Medical Forms

Hello Everyone,

Please make sure payment for camp is paid by this Friday (the 17th of August),
Medical forms are encouraged to come back no later than the 24th of August.

Thank you,

We are getting very excited about camp.

Miss Cameron

Thursday 9 August 2012

What's happening in Grade 3

Week 5 Homework - Due 17th August

Hello all,

Hope you are finding the Blog ok. It was nice to hear some great feedback about the blog. Students have presented their homework in many ways, I have seen some great hand-drawn pictures of future mascots, the Olympic Torch in 'Paint', an athlete’s profile in Microsoft Word, and many emails on super clubs.

We are all getting excited about our upcoming camp, just a reminder that camp payment is due on the 17th of August and medical forms are due the 24th of August.

I am glad to see that we have received a few more GOLD medals since I last posted.

Miss Cameron

Thursday 2 August 2012

Homework Week 4- Due Friday 10th of August

Hello All,

We are having some teething issues with our new blog, though I am confident that these will diminish as we continue to learn. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
It is great to see many of you have accessed the blog to see your spelling words, you can practice these by writing them on a whiteboard, repeating them to your parents or writing them on a piece of paper. Someone in our class even emailed me their spelling words via super clubs plus. The choice is yours. J

In the “Olympic Games Matrix” (below) it is expected that students complete one of these each week.  I encourage students to access super clubs to email me their answers (my user name is RCameron2) or bring their homework in on a USB.
In class we will be revising the 6 times tables. So let's get ready for a times table challenge.
I wonder if we will win anymore GOLD medals at these games?

C’mon Aussies!

Miss Cameron