Monday 17 December 2012

Sausage Sizzle

Tomorrow is the Sausage Sizzle for the students. Sausages $2, Drinks $1.50. Please bring money in a named envelope  and give to the class teacher.

Class Party


Dear Parents/Carers of students in Grade 3C,

 To celebrate the end of the year, we will be holding a class party. This party will take place on Wednesday, December 19th at approximately 12.30 pm.

 It would be greatly appreciated if all students could contribute to the party by bringing some party food.
Examples of suitable food include:
·       Sandwiches
·       Dips and biscuits
·       Raw vegetables and cheese
·       Savoury biscuits
·       Chips/Twistees/Cheezals
·       Popcorn
·       Chocolates and lollies
·       Shortbread
·       Small cakes or slices
·       Fresh fruit
 Miss Cameron will be providing drinks. Where possible, please send food in disposable containers and avoid sending any food that will require reheating.

 We also intend to hold our gift exchange during the party, so please ensure your child has sent along their gift with the boy or girl label attached.
Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

 Best wishes and season’s greetings,
Ruth Cameron



Wednesday 5 December 2012

Gift Exchange

Dear parents of students in Grade 3C,

 To celebrate the completion of a successful school year, we have decided to conduct a gift exchange in our classrooms on Monday, December 17th. It is hoped that all children will participate in this social activity.

 The children will engage in a ‘Lucky Dip’ to tell them if they have to arrange a ‘girl’ or ‘boy’ present. Each child is then to purchase a small gift up to the value of $3.00. The gift needs to be wrapped and the ‘Boy’ or ‘Girl’ card they have been provided with must be attached. Gifts can be brought to school and placed under the tree any time after December 10th. To ensure no one misses out, all gifts should be in the classroom no later than Friday, December 14th.

Some gift suggestions include:

§  Wrapped sweets/chocolates

§  Stationary items

§  Small toys

§  Ornaments

§  Jewellery

§  Stickers

§  Balls

If there are any concerns, please contact me as soon as possible.

Season’s Greetings,


Ruth Cameron